Hey guys! I am so sorry I have been absent lately on here. Things have been going pretty good lately and I have been doing a lot of work to try and over come patterns that I have learned. Patterns that growing up I had to have to survive but that as an adult they don't help me any more. They have been thing such as "I can't tell anyone no" and "I need to keep everyone happy." I have also been working on believes that I have really struggled with such as I am not good enough, I am not worthy of being loved, and that I am not a good enough Mom. These are all things that will take time to over come but I am working on them.
One thing that has been really bad lately is my anxiety. If you have never suffered from anxiety you are so lucky. Some days I can control it and feel fine but other days it can control me. I have learned some triggers that I have such as large crowds and such. Some nights like last night and tonight there is nothing that triggers it or nothing that makes it better. Just a mind that won't shut off and a chest that feels tight. I know that it will pass and it will calm back down but until then I just want to say anxiety really sucks.
I am going to try and do better at keep sharing my story I will go back and pick up where I left off soon. Thanks for reading!